
Serious Sam The First Encounter V1 05 (REQUESTED) (DIRECT PLAY) [blaze69]

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Name:Serious Sam The First Encounter V1 05 (REQUESTED) (DIRECT PLAY) [blaze69] torrent

Total Size: 284.76 MB

Seeds: 0

Leechers: 0

Downloaded: 31

Torrent added: 2009-08-26 23:21:11

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Serious Sam The First Encounter V1 05 (REQUESTED) (DIRECT PLAY) [blaze69] (Size: 284.76 MB) (Files: 4)


0.06 KB


284.47 MB


295.83 KB

 Read Me First !!!!!.txt

0.69 KB

Torrent description

Use Latest version Of winrar or 7-Zip
Extract .rar file ..
Xp Users - Extract to :Example C\Program Files
Vista Users -Extract to Desktop First, Then Drag and Drop the Extracted folder to where ever you prefer
Go to the Extracted folder and Double Click on the Serious Sam.reg file >>click yes then ok<< then Double Click on the >>makedesktopicon<< file
Start The game from the desktop.
Simple as that :

Install >NOTHING<

When You no longer want the game on your Computer, delete the extracted folder and the desktop Shortcut..

Use The Directx9 websetup file to Update Your Directx9 > IF Needed< >Internet Connection Required<

Brought To You By blaze69

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